Hi there! My names Paul Kim.
I recently graduated from New York University, Tandon School of Engineering as an Electrical Engineer in May 2022. Currently based in Denver, CO, I’m working as a systems engineer at Lockheed Martin.
Making and Breaking
Throughout college I’ve worked on the NYU Tandon Motorsports team, serving as the Captain and the Head of Electronics. Leading a team of over 70 members spanning across multiple disciplines, I experienced first hand what it takes to successfully lead a team and manage a project. This June our team will be driving to Rochester to compete in the Baja SAE competition, an international, intercollegiate design series.
Slowing Down
One of my favorite hobbies is photography, specifically shooting using film. I think I’m drawn to film, much like many others, because of its intentionality. Spending intentional time to set up a shot and adjust all the settings on my camera really forces me to focus in on the moment. There is also a sense of finality of each shot, since you are not able to preview the picture just taken. This allows me to move my thoughts to the next shot instead of dawdling on what’s passed.
Looking Ahead
I learned how to code in college, and I ended up specializing in embedded systems, the intersection between hardware and software. As an extension of this, I realized web development and design is a great way to mix my technical knowledge with my artistic curiosity. I set up a small design studio under the name Studio Willoughby to explore this area. As a self taught developer, I now work part time as a freelance web developer, focusing on helping local businesses update their website for improved web presence and improved SEO.